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  About Us   

     WEILIYA  is a global professional manufacturer of automatic control valve. Which was established in 2016, by a group of engineers who have decades of experience of automatic control valve developing.
     WEILIYA  market area include China, Most parts of Asia, North America Europe, South Africa.etc.
     We have been keeping developed new products to meet customer’s tough requirements; and improved the quality of each products.
    Our target is our products cover all over the world.


ADD:Yanghe Road, Jiangbeistreet, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China  

Tel:+86-577-67376921   Fax:+86-577-67356921     website:www.velia.cn     Email:342975299@qq.com

咨询邮箱:valia_valve@163.com  传真号码:0577-67356921    邮编号码:325105


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